How to check the fluid level in Ford AU-BA-BF-FG Trans
How to check the fluid level in Ford AU-BA-BF-FG Trans
Checking the fluid level in the Ford AU-BA-BF-FG-EL Auto Transmission can be tricky, even most mechanic make the mistake of under filling it during a service, this results in drive delays when cold, so here is the way we do it at transdoctor:
1st :Engine must be cold.
2nd :car must be raised on a hoist to properly access the fill plug located on the drivers side of the transmission.
3rd: Loosen the fill plug with a (single hex) 3/8 drive 16mm impact socket and breaker bar we also use a small hollow jack handle tube for more leverage and with one controlled movement crack open the fill plug...don't under estimate the tightness of these plugs with the wrong tools you'll just round off the head.
With T-bar in Park start engine, remove plug and fill till fluid trickles out of hole moderately then re-fit plug and tighten but not too tight a small nip up is enough..and your all done.
We at TRANSDOCTOR specialize in Ford Falcon, Commodore and Territory auto transmission we can complete the service much faster than other transmission shops, saving you time.
Come visit us at 372A Settlement Road, Thomastown, Victoria 3074 or call 0435928517 to book an obligation free check.